0x1b - ESCAPE
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"Magic Keys" during boot

- <b>Cmd-V</b> Verbose startup (text console)

- <b>Cmd-S</b> Single user mode

- <b>T</b> Export internal Disk as firewire device

- <b>C</b> Boot from CD-ROM

- <b>N</b> Boot from Network

- <b>X</b> Switch boot device to !MacOS X folder

- <b>Opt</b> Boot device selection

- <b>Cmd-Opt-O-F</b> Enter !OpenProm prompt

- <b>Cmd-Opt-P-R</b> Flush !OpenProm nvram

"Magic Keys" during operation

- <b>Cmd-Shift-3</b> Create screenshot, puts a file on the desktop (PDF in !MacOS X <= 10.3, PNG in MacOS X >=10.4)

- <b>Cmd-Shift-4</b> Create screenshot with selection, puts a file on the desktop (PDF in !MacOS X <= 10.3, PNG in !MacOS X >=10.4), click space to capture a window

- <b>Ctrl-Cmd-Shift-3</b> Create screenshot, puts it into the clipboard

- <b>Ctrl-Cmd-Shift-4</b> Create screenshot with selection, puts it into the clipboard, click space to capture a window

- <b>Cmd-Alt-Esc</b> End program

- <b>Shift-Alt-Cmd-Q</b> logoff immediatly

- <b>Ctrl-Cmd-Opt-8</b> Switch to Black and White (!MacOS X <=10.3), inverse screen (MacOS X >=10.4) :)

Settings for <tt>boot-args</tt> - may be set by command <tt>nvram</tt> or in the !OpenProm prompt:

- <b>-v</b> Verbose boot

- <b>-s</b> Single user

- <b>-x</b> Safe (used by kextd)

Much more magic keys may be found <a href="http://davespicks.com/writing/programming/mackeys.html">here</a> and <a href="http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=75459">here</a>.