Conversion of areatags to newsgroups (with distribution) and back. Lines starting with a whitespace are comments. This is because areatags may contain a hash ('#') character which would otherwise be sutable as a comment designator. AREATAG newsgroup distribution modtype:moderator If you compile with -DJE, the format is: AREATAG newsgroup distribution rfc-charset FTN-CHRS modtype:moderator "rfc-charset" is the charset used in the rfc (usenet/email) side. It must be in the format used in MIME headers (ex: iso-8859-1, koi8-r, EUC-kr,...) "FTN-CHRS" is the charset used in the FTN side. It must be in the format used in ^aCHRS: kludges, whitout de level number (ex: LATIN-1, KOI8, EUC-KR) See file README.charset for a list of recognized rfc-charset and FTN-CHRS "moderator" is an rfc address of the moderator. "modtype" is either "umod","fro" or "fstd". umod stands for usenet moderated, messages arriving in a pkt are converted to email for the defined moderator. fro stands for fido read-only; when the gated area is defined as (Moderated) it create correct "Approved:" lines. fstd stands for fido standart way of moderation, (does nothing yet) exemple (with -DJE): COMERZ fido.commerz world iso-8859-1 CP437 You have to write here the tag conversions, probably one by one. An international area NET_DEV An italian area RC&REC_NEWS.033 fido.ita.033.rc&rec_news Etc... Line with a single '*' in the "newsgroup" field defines default areatag. '*' in the "AREA" field, if present, is expanded to the original newsgroup (converted to uppercase). (Distribution is insignificant). If you define it, an FTN message will be generated for each newsgroup in the Newsgroups: header, even if you're not linked to it, and an ECHO doesn't really exist for it. Is better not to define. U_* * Line with a single '*' in the "AREA" field defines default newsgroup and distribution. '*' in the "newsgroup" field, if present, is expanded to the original areatag (converted to lowcase). * fido.* #fido You can specify a line with a single asterisk in the "AREA" field and a single asterisk in the "newsgroup" field. It will cause a reversible conversion - areatag will be an uppercased newsgroup, and a newsgroup will be a lowercased areatag. This is not recommended. * * world